A review by watermelleon
Emlyn's Moon by Jenny Nimmo


Review for the snow spider here

I definitely chose the right time to reread this series. the second book did not disappoint! The series as as a whole is undoubtedly flawed, yet revisiting these characters just felt so much like home to me. this time of year is horrible for me, and its nice to visit something familiar in such a setting as this one which is so different to my own life.

In this book we read from a new perspective which quite honestly I LOVED. In my previous review I mentioned how I remembered being in love with Bethan/Eirlys but now it is clear that Nia was the one I was thinking of. Nia to me is the best character, hands down. I feel like I have always felt this way, but in many ways she is very much like me. she likes to make things, takes things at face value and has such a beautiful sense and understanding of the nature around her. She is an underdog, but learns she has so much more within her than what others give her credit for. Nia is fantastic, and on the whole as a character massively improves the series.

This was just a sweet read for me. it was nice. the timing i think was important to making this so enjoyable for me: the weather is icy, i'm worrying about going to visit my parents in the countryside, i'm dabbling in religious ideas and noticing the nature around me more. all of these concerns and thoughts lately offer me answers within these pages. I just love the escapism of this series, the love for traditional wales and language and the importance of being close to nature seeps through the pages. and the duty of us to continue caring for nature! ugh I could write essays about the pastoral elements in this. but yes. in short it is an easy read, a pastoral escape with a bit of magic thrown in, and some really lovable characters. just what we all need this time of year.