A review by nonna7
My Ideal Bookshelf by Thessaly La Force, Thomas Keller, Nancy Pearl, Miranda July, Michael Chabon, Dave Eggers, Chuck Klosterman, Jonathan Lethem, Alice Waters, James Franco, Alex Ross, Patti Smith, David Chang, Maira Kalman, David Sedaris, Nico Muhly, Jennifer Egan, Thurston Moore, George Saunders, Rosanne Cash


To say this is a lovely little book is, for me anyway, something of an understatement. I LOVE this little book. I've been reading it slowly - ever so slowly, drinking in the pictures, even ordering a few of them through my ever dwindling Paperbackbookswap and Bookmooch credits. I think I'll be doing my own "ideal bookshelf" post here soon. The problem is, of course, picking and choosing because my ideal bookshelf is probably groaning. (I did a Facebook post on one of the groups to which I belong. I didn't get much response.) It's interesting to see the different people and their books. There are writers, artists, chefs, musicians, a law professor, a app developer and more. What unites them is their love of books. There are some surprising books in common: Tintin is one of them, the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, and Jane Austen. I've put the book on my Amazon wishlist. When it comes down in price or someone sees my wishlist and surprises me or it comes up on Paperbackbookswap, I'll see if I can't have it for my very own. (Very little of anything that interests me comes up in Bookmooch, alas!) I hope it is successful enough so that they do a sequel.