A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Batman Beyond (2016-) #27 by Dan Jurgens


I have to say for somebody that was vehemently against bringing the Joker back (or any other Batman specific villain – I feel that Terri should be allowed to have his own villains) I’m really enjoying this arc.
Okay, I maaaay be slightly biased there. Because they finally (*finally*) made my preferred ship canon. If you’ve been following my reviews you probably know who that is, so I’m sorry for the mild spoiler there. But I’m just so excited! I know that there’s going to be fallout for it, and realistically I also know that it probably won’t last (Batman does not have good luck in the long term relationship department). But for now I’m happy.
I do love how Joker is continuing to react to the Jokerz running around town. And how he’s uh, handling the situation. It’s graphic, but it’s also the sort of graphic we’ve come to expect from the Joker. So it just makes it feel more real.
My money is still out on whether or not it’s the real Joker. I could easily see one of dozens of scenarios applying here. I think I’d be okay with it turning out that the Joker is yet another fake – it’d sort of fit, in its own way.
Major bonus points for having Dick Grayson there and having him tear into Bruce about the whole Robin situation. That’s something that needs to happen more (both the cameo and the lecture).