A review by tracyreads
The Crymost by Dean H. Wild


3.5. Review is up on www.scifiandscary.com.

“Knoll liked to keep its own and it demanded, quietly, a brand of commitment. Even idyllic peace bore a cost”

Small town horror. It seems to be a fairly popular sub-genre. Stephen King makes millions on it. Numerous other authors have crafted amazing stories centered around a location in which everyone knowing your name isn’t always the best thing. Where secrets abound and communities rally against horrors of all types. Some of my favorite authors like Christopher Sorensen, Kristi Demeester, Ania Ahlborn, Tananarive Due, Adam Cesare, Kealan Patrick Burke, Shirley Jackson, David Joy, and so many others, have crafted captivating worlds around small town locales.

The Crymost, by Dean H. Wild, is centered around the quiet, unassuming town of Knoll, Wisconsin. Locals have a tradition of visiting The Crymost, a kind of quarry, to offer up objects of sentimental value in honor of loved ones that have passed, to ask for help, and so on. Something wakes up. The synopsis does a great job of drawing a potential reader in – it is what initially made me sit up and take note.

Overall, this is a good book. The pacing is decent, there is a great up tick in action at the end, and I was definitely rooting for the group of protagonists as they endeavored to beat an ancient evil. It reminded me of IT a little bit, minus the coming of age thread. I’m giving this one 3.5-4 stars. I had fun with it, I think others might enjoy it, and I’ll pick up another book from this author. There were some parts that didn’t work for me and these things might work for another reader.