A review by frankatzenzungen
The Memory Code by Lynne Kelly


Absolutely incredible! This is a must read.

Kelly opens with a fascinating look at indigenous knowledge and how they could remember so much. She explores the methods that can be used such as memory spaces and song lines, and how they can be used in the modern world. (On a side note I will definitely look into her other book 'Memory Craft' to put them into practice myself!) I found how mythology can play into it really interesting, and offered me a different way to view it.

She goes on to explore her completely original thesis, that Neolithic monumental sites around the world were a memory system that allowed non-literate peoples to memorise huge amounts of knowledge. She covers Stonehenge, Avebury, Orkney, Newgrange, Carnac, Chaco Canyon, Nasca lines, Easter Island, and multiple American sites in detail.

Having been to Stonehenge recently I am keen to go back (and to the other sites) with her thesis in mind.

She makes a very convincing argument for which I would need to see significant proof against to disagree with her.