A review by sabesaw
The (Other) F Word: A Celebration of the Fat and Fierce by Angie Manfredi

So, I dont want to rate this book because it wouldn't be fair of me. I read the first two essays and loved them. Once I got to the third one I realized just how much it eas targeted at teens. I knew going into this book that the target audience was teens, but sense I read a lot of teen books I thought it wojld be okay. This wasn't the first teen non-fiction I had read as an adult. While I enjoyed what I was reading, it made me feel good about certain things and I loved what the writers had to say. I couldn't keep reading, I felt like I was too old for it to be too meaningful to me. I felt like a lot of the advice im the tried story was too young for me. I didn't want to sift through stories to find ones that applied to me. So even though I only read the first 2.5 essays I did enjoy what I read and would highly recommend to any teenager, just not to many adults.