A review by kjanie
Broken Prince, by Erin Watt


3/5 stars

“She’s mine and always has been. From before we even met, she was mine and I was hers. I fought it too long, but I’m giving in now. I’m all in now.”

This series is getting more and more dramatic, it's like a huge soap opera! I found myself rolling my eyes so often but I am also completely hooked and I kind of hate myself for it. This series is the perfect definition of a guilty pleasure read! I do, once again, have quite a few problems with this book but I can't seem to stay away, and I've tried. Now that I've finished the whole series, I'd definitely say that this was the best book out of all of them.

Reed Royal is used to having everything that he desires. He has status, power and wealth, but none of it means anything because he doesn't have Ella. After one huge misunderstanding, Ella no longer wants Reed. Now, Reed has to convince Ella that he's changed and that his love for her is as strong as he says it is. All Reed wants is to win Ella back and regain the trust of his family, but his life also seems to be crashing around him. Now, he has to deal with more than just his family and Ella in order to be happy. Dark secretary's about the Royal family are revealed and they seem to be once again caught in a web of lies, betrayal and deceit.

"My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn't trouble. I was. Still Am. Reed, the destroyer."

This book is so much darker than Paper Princess, but it was also so much more addictive and enjoyable. It's still a very overdramatic series, but now that I've gotten used to the story style and the OTT drama, I'm enjoying it more than ever. But, oh my god, was that cliffhanger necessary? It killed me! As someone who isn't really enjoying this series, I'm way more addicted to it than I should be. I cannot seem to put these books down! The more that's revealed about the Royal family, the more lies and deceit, the more invested I get. I still stand by the fact that I don't love this as much as everyone else seems to, but I do understand why everyone says that this series is soul-destroying, addictive and completely captivating.

I also think that I liked this book more because I also began to like the characters. I hated both Reed and Ella in the last book, but I have definitely grown more attached to both of them, especially Reed. I went into this book not expecting to like either of them, but I was really pleasantly surprised. I found myself becoming more invested in the story, the more I felt connected to the characters. Reed, especially was just amazing in this book. I hate how much of an asshole he was in the first book, but he has had some very drastic character development into a much better character. He was dedicated, driven, passionate and just so sweet to Ella. He still had his cocky charms, but he was just a much nicer person in this book, which I greatly appreciated. I thought his angsty bad boy character was way overdone in the last book, and I'm happy that now he's a more believable and loveable character.

"I’m done playing games, Ella. No other girls exist in this world for me. If you see me talking to one, know that I’m talking about you."

This book didn't exactly fix any of the problems that I mentioned in my review of the first book, but I no longer expected greatness with the series and so these things didn't bother me as much. I tried to be much less critical in my reading, but one aspect really kept pissing me off. The unnecessary violence that Reed showed was just uncalled for. He wasn't doing it to protect Ella or anything, I just think he loved to fight people. And to make matters worse, Ella seemed to enjoy watching Reed whilst he was doing it. Beating people up is never romantic and shouldn't have been romanticised in such a big way. It's such a turn off when books include this, especially in a book that is advertised as a YA series.

I did enjoy this book much more than I did the first one and have become completely fixated with this story. It's dark, gritty and completely addictive. I thought that things couldn't get more dramatic, but man, that cliffhanger just proved me wrong once again. Everything and anything could happen, this book is just full of twists and turns. Plus, it's super romantic and with some bonus steamy scenes that always make me happy. I can't say that I love this series as much as so many people do, but if you're looking for a dramatic, guilty pleasure read I'd definitely recommend it.

He told me to stay away. He told me I didn't belong. If only I'd listened to him.