A review by bellezey
Beauty Queens, by Libba Bray


this was fantastic, cynical, hilarious and surprisingly deep and diverse and each character was unique.
the audiobook is amazing and Libba bray is a fantastic voice actor wow i am amazed at how funny she can make her voice be and how each character had it's unique voice and tone that you can recognize immediately who's talking. i literally underestimated this book because of the cover and the premise and thought it's a pass for me but now that i read it/listened it i learned not to underestimate Libba bray ever again.
I LOVED how diverse this was and she had so so many characters yet she handled them so well and each character had it's own back story, progress and growth and it's just perfect how you can see yourself in all of these girls and even better you can connect to a specific one too i mean how rare is that
i never thought i'd have so many things to say about this book but oh boy do i do
i only didn't like the ending of one character which is taylor and i wished just she'd had a better resolution.