A review by meagan_kay
Reawakened by Odette Beane


So let me just start out by saying that I LOVE the tv show Once Upon a Time, so for me this was a fun, easy read (I finished it in a matter of a few hours). There were some changes made to the story, but it was essentially the exact same plot as season 1. There were some parts of the show that were left out of the book such as the incident with Henry being trapped in the old mines. It was a good book, but I do have to say that some parts can be a bit dull considering that so much has happened between season 1 and season 5 (which the show is currently on).

Despite the fact that, overall, I enjoyed this book, I did have a few problems with it. First of all, the author changed the personalities of a few characters. For example, Emma seemed much more opened to the idea that Henry's stories are true than she was in the show. She didn't seem to have as many emotional walls built up in the book (i.e. She spends quite a bit of time thinking about Graham and whether she wanted to be in a relationship with him or not). While I though this was an interesting new take on her personality, I don't feel like it was very true to her character.
Also, Graham's death in the book is different than it was in the show. It was much less of a shock and it focused more on the relationship between him and Emma than on the fact that Regina was the one who killed him. In fact, in the book it is never clear whether Regina killed Graham or not (in the tv show it is obvious that she did).

So, in conclusion, I'd recommend this to fans of OUAT who enjoy reading. The writing wasn't the best (equal to the quality of a normal fanfiction), but if you're looking for something to tide you over during season breaks (as I was) then I'd recommend the book.