A review by localmalewife
The Brilliant Death by A.R. Capetta


This book!!!
I still can't believe it wasn't on my radar and I had never heard of it until my best friend gifted it to me and I held it in my hands. Basically it is my dream come true, and I wasn't disappointed.
In all honesty, I do really wish it might have been a duology - the world building is so intriguing and I loved this world that fostered loyalty to family above all else, that reverred forgotten magic and hunted every inkling of it in the present. So much happened and I would have loved to stay with Teo and Cielo for even longer and watch their story unfurl a little more slowly.
But god damn. I really, really loved this book and I still can't believe it is real and on my shelf. I was worried that - as so often - form-changing magic would raise some gross points about trans identity, but how wrong I was.
SpoilerI loved watching Teo settle into her own skin, accept herself, learn her own power, and become stronger for it. I loved her understanding Cielo so deeply, and how both of them were able to see each other, not as man or as woman, but as people, as souls that had too many facettes to be pinned down into one. As someone with a fluid identity, who can't seem to settle into just one thing, this was such a breath of fresh air.

IN THIS HOUSE WE STAN A TRANS POWER COUPLE is a sentence I never thought I'd be able to write about a novel so soon, and fuck am I grateful for that.