A review by thecaffeinatedbookaholic
wolf.e by Paisley Hope


Gabriel Wolfe. The man I didn’t know I was missing. It’s no secret I love a good motorcycle romance, and I absolutely devoured this one. From the first time Wolfe & Brinley meet, there’s intrigue–for Wolfe it’s something he’s not used to and for Brinley, it’s something she’s scared of. But my man does not get deterred. Watching him pursue her? Obsessed. He’s possessive and feral and unapologetic about who he is and oh so hot. I loved watching Brinley get in touch with her darker side, exploring what she enjoys and letting herself finally have what she wants. Wolfe training her? Swoon. The twists? I screamed. Wolfe & Brinley’s connection is all-consuming and dark, but so powerful, and I loved these two so much!! I cannot wait to see what’s next!!

[ARC from Paisley in exchange for an honest review]