A review by laneyj6
Eggshells by Caitriona Lally


This is a very odd book, much like Vivian herself. I enjoyed her thinking and wondering about the world as she walked around Dublin looking for mythical creatures and passages to other worlds...but the entire book feels like the middle of a character introduction that doesn’t ever lead anywhere. Vivian likes to make lists, note down observations and then Penelope turns up and ... nothing much changes. I would have loved a background to Vivian (we only learn that she has scars on her chest due to her father trying to make her “normal”) but we know nothing else of her upbringing other than a very strained relationship with her sister in the present day. I would love to know if her great aunt was the one who cared for her? And I would also have loved this story to have a pivotal changing point for Vivian, is her life going to get any better, she is a lady that needs some help to physically care for herself but seems to have been somewhat abandoned by society. An enjoyable read as I sit in a 14 day quarantine, I’m not going anywhere similar to this book not moving the life of Vivian anywhere.