A review by bookwormmuse
Amsterdam Exposed: An American's Journey Into The Red Light District by David Wienir


I was kindly given an e-ARC from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

It is a very hard book to review, in that, it's just...not going to be everybody's cup of tea. If you are under eighteen and thinking of reading it, just don't. I am not tempting you into reading it, that is not what this is, it simply isn't the book for you.

I think the problem with Amsterdam Exposed is the fact that it all happened quite a while ago. A lot has changed since then. Even if I were to discount that, there's also the matter of the way author went about the whole thing. I just couldn't understand why he went to such lengths to do those things, in the end, all we get is just one story of a person who went through a lot. There is a certain lack of sympathy and understanding of the bigger picture. Or maybe that was how the author intended it to be. A singular focus on the problem.

Overall, I loved the way he wrote? His detailed writing is what drew me in, I always love it when authors write with such detail. I also loved the way he used the Dutch language, I have absolutely no knowledge of the language but a friend helped me out. All in all, this book was an eye-opener and not particularly in a good way but if you are interested in getting know Amsterdam, then go for it, it is worth reading.