A review by articulatemadness
Pulp Modern: Volume Two Issue Four by Russell Thayer, Albert Tucher, S. Renfroe, Matthew Gomez, Richard Krauss, Adam S. House, Alec Cizak, Adam S. Furman, Rex Weiner, C.W. Blackwell


I was all in for the sexy cover. I like that cover.

Pulp. Crime. Horror. Science Fiction. Historical Fiction. Fantasy. Everything's here in Volume 2 of Pulp modern. And that is what makes it a cut above the rest, it isn't sticking to a "Format" or a "Mold". There's something for everybody, and like the very 1st Pulp Modern, it has stood to hold fast to its mission of featuring just great short stories. These stories remind me of binge watching Night Gallery (the terror like horror stories with things in the house you can't see but hear/feel) more so than Twilight Zone, with a Dash of Tales From the Unexpected thrown in (especially the story about domestic violence and pretty much every story having some sort of a twist ending to a degree). Editor Alec Cizak has continued to hold the mantle having the best indie anthology on the market, giving something for everybody.