A review by _sara_1_2_3_
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert


2.75 stars! (im just bein picky tho)

"I have a theory that seventy percent of the global population wants to kiss you, and that’s a conservative estimate.”
“But you’re the only one who gets to do it. Lucky you.” His hand slides into my hair. His thumb traces the curve of my jaw. “Okay. So kiss me.”
Something nervous squeezes in my stomach. My heart winces. “But—”
“Just kiss me. That’s all. What’s a little tongue between friends?”
Friends. Just like I wanted. Right? “You’re ridiculous.”
“You’re beautiful.”"

- slow start
- long chapters
- lots of "real world" things mentioned such as social media, tik tok etc.

would i recommend it? prob not but read it if you'd like :)