A review by karieh13
Look at Me by Jennifer Egan


It's interesting...there are so many themes being played out in this book - and my opinions mirror those of the characters on almost all of them - and yet? I was not as engrossed in this book as I thought I would be.

Urban sprawl/blight, the superficiality of our society, the happy/fat/stupidity/contentedness of Americans, our desire to believe that "reality" media is actaully reality...Egan tackles all of these subjects and more...including an eerily prescient portrait of a terrorist in New York (this was written just prior to 9/11).

Given my four star rating - I certainly cannot say that I disliked the book - I just wanted to be drawn in a bit more. Although - in thinking of the nature of most of the main characters - that is the last thing they would have wanted. The only things that seem to matter are surface things. Like the book's title - "Look at Me"...suggesting that if the characters had their way - we would only judge this book by the cover.