A review by ladywithaquill
To Find a Viking Treasure by Gina Conkle


This was an engaging, quick read! I was a bit hesitant at first to read it, due to my past experiences with Viking romances. Most of the time the chauvinism is too much, and I throw the book at the wall in disgust. Not the case with this one! While there is some amount of male arrogance, this is to be expected due to the time period and the Viking culture. Gina was great at blending the facts of the time with the romance desired by many readers. It's accurate in its history without turning me off.

Sestra is a thrall - born a slave and used by men for their pleasure. One man stands out, however, in his quest for her. Brandr has admired Sestra for a long while, but he has kept his distance believing he is not good enough for her. When they are thrown together in search of buried treasure, they grow close and discover their love for each other. But Sestra remains a slave, and her life is not hers to give, no matter how much she wants to give it to Brandr.

I loved the banter between Sestra and Brandr! At first, I was a bit wary of Brandr, given his bold flirtations with Sestra. I thought this might end up being one of those romances where the hero seduces the heroine, even though she says no, and justifies it because she experiences pleasure. That's what I'm used to in Viking romance. In this case, Sestra actually ends up seducing Brandr, despite his attempts to create distance between them. It was a nice change of pace, and it made their relationship seem more equal and fulfilling.

This was my first book by Gina Conkle, but I am sure it won't be my last! It was enjoyable and thrilling.

**I was given a free copy in exchange for an honest review.**