A review by saltycorpse
Kin by Kealan Patrick Burke


Okay so first of all I do not understand how this bag of shit got such a high rating.

Second of all, I am a huge fan of horror movies and novels, so I was seriously stoked to read this and had high hopes. I wanted to like this.

But it was Fucking. Awful. I couldn't even make it past 50 pages. The writing is shit, the plot is so crammed with as many "messed up" things as possible that it just is basically a pile of un-shocking diarrhea. Also, the creepy kid who 'saves' the raped/mutilated girl? Okay, so like when you find a girl who is seriously injured, you don't immediately sexualize her and think you can make her your girlfriend. There's no logic to it, and the kid isn't supposed to be some psychopath, I think he's supposed to be endearing? And don't get me started on the author making rape 'sexy'. It's pretty gross and would be more disturbing it the entire thing wasn't written so poorly. Here are some things you can expect in the first pages:

graphic rape & torture
incest a la Wrong Turn and the Peacock Brothers in that episode of the X Files
weird old-time religion
a botched circumcision in punishment for the incest
a head in a suitcase
a mom clearly ripped off from What's Eating Gilbert Grape, only Jabba the Hut-style, literally MELDED INTO HER BED by her own feces, piss, and bedsores

now look i enjoy a fucked up book but this one was written so fucking shittily and just tried to overdo it within the first pages that i wasn't even shocked, disgusted, or offended, just bored. Every time something supposed to be more "shocking" and "dark" happened i became MORE bored because the only thing driving the excuse for a plot was how much fucked up shit the author could poorly write about.

Anyway skip this trashcan of a horror novel and read something better.