A review by tarmstrong112
The Crowded Hour: Theodore Roosevelt, The Rough Riders, and the Dawn of the American Century by Clay Risen


This was fantastic. It's the third book I've read about the Rough Riders in the past 2 years, the others being "Rough Riders" by Mark Lee Gardner and Roosevelt's own memoir on the subject. This book and Gardner's books were both incredibly good and while not the intention, serve as good companions to one another. Some information is repeated in both, while either book also presents different information, context and perspectives.

This books take a wider view of the events of the Spanish-American War and where the US and Spain were in 1898. And while the focus is on Roosevelt and his Rough Rider regiment, this added context and information only enhanced my enjoyment of the book.

Also what a cover! I am a sucker for colourized photos and this cover jumps out to me and begs me to read the book. I highly enjoyed this book.