A review by kimreadz
I'll Be Your Blue Sky by Marisa de los Santos


I chose to read this one because I’d read other books by this author. ([b:Falling Together|10380686|Falling Together|Marisa de los Santos|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327949843l/10380686._SY75_.jpg|15284208] - [b:The Precious One|23215482|The Precious One|Marisa de los Santos|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1414350187l/23215482._SY75_.jpg|26366035]). Oh, and the cover. Isn’t that cover beautiful?! This book was a success! I enjoyed it very much.

The story told in alternating time periods. As the book opens in the 1950s, we meet Edith Herron on her wedding day as her husband Joseph introduces her to their new home. (Pay attention, this is where you will learn the significance of the title). Fast forward to contemporary times when we meet Clare Hobbs as she is about to be married—and having second thoughts about going through with it. Shortly before the wedding she excuses herself to take a walk and meets the elderly Edith. After a very brief conversation Clare calls off her wedding and Edith leaves her house to Clare. Clare goes to see the house and begins exploring, uncovering clues to Edith’s past as she goes. This is how we learn the story of Edith and who she is.

I really enjoyed the Edith story and admired Edith, a strong, loyal woman who cared about others. I didn’t dislike Clare, but her story was not nearly as interesting to me. In many ways, the story ended as I thought it would, but there was also some twists that I didn’t see coming. These really added to my enjoyment of the story. If there was one thing I didn’t enjoy, it was that things were resolved just a little too easily between Clare and her ex-fiance, but it didn’t interfere with my enjoyment of the book.

One thing I should point out is that this is the third book in the author’s [b:Love Walked In|115076|Love Walked In (Love Walked In, #1)|Marisa de los Santos|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442893276l/115076._SY75_.jpg|3000860] series. I did not realize this when I picked the book up, but I can say that the book works fine as a stand-alone. I never felt that something was missing or that there was some background detail I needed.

I’ll Be Your Blue Sky was a quick read that I finished in two days, but it could easily have been a ‘one-sitting’ book. This would be a fun selection for a book club that is looking quick, relatively light read that still has plenty of discussion points. Visit the publisher’s website for a reading guide or to read an excerpt.

My Rating: ✰✰✰✰½ 4½ Stars

This book review is included in a tour by TLC Book Tours. I was provided a copy for review purposes.