A review by div_hufflepuff
The November Girl by Lydia Kang


Who asked for a YA novel that is beautifully written and yet slightly creepy? I did!

Some of y'all may find this to be a typical YA story with some supernatural sprinkled in, I however found it to be hella refreshing. I loved that supernatural! You WONT find me saying "this book had potential" nope. It lived up to every one of my expectations and then some.

Let hop to it. Anda's dad is a bi-racial human (pay attention to bi-racial cause it plays a important role in the book) and her mother is a lake/goddess/entity (I really don't know how else to put it). If I had to describe her powers it would say picture X-Men's Storm crossed with Aang from The Last Air Bender. It's that awesome. And she also has some weird relationship with death.

Then we have Hector. Also mixed racially. He is human though and has a lot of stuff going on with him. Let's just say he has years of therapy ahead of him. I'm actually still trying to piece together his heritage and his issues because it really is kind of heavy.

Put these two together and you have one heart wrenching story that leaves you in awe. Well worth the read.