A review by thenymphettes
Lady Sophia's Lover by Lisa Kleypas


I'm torn because while i think i liked the book, it was different from what it was promising.

A experienced heroine settled on having vengeance by seducing an older, work-obsessed, straight laced, celibate widow? Yes please.

Except this wasn't that. Of Course I knew she was going to actually fall for him and abandon the revenge plot, but I didn't expect for it to happen almost immediately. Besides that the hero was the one who did all the actual seducing and pursuing of the relationship. Plus the heroines initial cool exterior and experience? Nope. At the first signs of any actual sexual tension she freaks out and tells him they can't. The first few scenes she was so self-possessed leading to some amazing scenes of wordless sexual tension between them, but after that she turned into the usual flustered heroine. She also cried way more than I expected for someone who supposedly used to the cruelties of the world.

But the hero was hot af so there's that. And I definitely felt tingles during some scenes.

So it's not a bad book by all means, it just was more of the usual dynamics despite advertising something else.