A review by linaria
Cybele's Secret by Juliet Marillier


While not my favourite Marillier book (That award goes to her spectacular Heart's Blood), this is a strong follow-up to her YA debut, Wildwood Dancing. Cybele's Secret follows the younger sister of the main character of Wildwood Dancing as she journeys to Istanbul from Transylvania to help with her father's trading business.

Since Paula and her sisters lots their access to the other world, she has been looking for a way back. By journeying to a land of scholars, Paula may have access to some book or document that will help in her search. There are dangers though, someone doesn't want her father to complete his trade. With murderers, pirates, and questionable bodyguards, Paula doesn't know who to trust.

Marilier always has a lush voice to her writing, and this one does not disappoint. The setting is vibrant and richly detailed. It has Juliet Marillier's standard romance, where you can't help but love the characters and want to give them a giant hug. Stoyan was possibly not my favourite of the love interests, but it was still expertly done.

I don't care how many years go by, I will hold out hope for Stela's book.