A review by lenoreo
Demon Flames by Becca Vincenza, M.J. Haag



3.5 stars — While I still had a bit of a mixed reaction to this one, I really can’t deny how compelled I am to devour more and more…

I will say that Ms. Rosenberg’s voice grew on me. It’s amazing sometimes how you can adjust and your opinions can change. Part of that is I still absolutely adore her voice for Drav.

Just like in book 1, I felt like the plot was drawn out, and the pacing wasn’t as great. Our MC’s spent like 1/2 the book running in caves, repeat ad nauseum. I get that they’re trying to show how vast the cave systems are, but it got a bit tiring.

I think I liked Mya even less in this one. She was kind of super bitchy a bunch of times. I was actually embarrassed by her entitled attitude and her complete lack of even trying to understand/empathize with Drav’s people. Her empathy would come at the very last minute, when everything was explained. I actually experienced second hand embarrassment from some of the things she did and ways she reacted. She had quite a few over the top moments.

But in contrast, I loved the development of the relationship between Mya and Drav. I truly believed the development of feelings. I felt so much for Drav, who is drawn to her, and doesn’t understand his feelings, and doesn’t know what to do with them. I appreciated the times where he just didn’t know what he was doing wrong because he doesn’t understand human sensibilities. The chemistry between them was off the charts. I don’t even mind that Drav may not be attracted to her personality as much as the idea of a companion and his attachment to her. She has her good points, but she’s a bit of a bully sometimes. But it works for them because it’s not a normal human relationship. If this was a contemp, I would be super annoyed about what Drav is in love with, and his possessiveness.

All in all, I’m super curious how things are going to progress from here, so of course I started the next book after midnight. *rolls eyes*