A review by stephh
The Girl Who Came Back by Susan Lewis


This book was a bit of a mixed bag for me. At some points I quite enjoyed it and really wanted to find out what was happening, but at others it felt like it was dragging and the twists were a bit obvious.

When Jules Bright is met with the news that the monster that is Amelia Quentin is being released from prison, she hardly knows what to do. She's convinced she could be in danger, and thus begins a journey back into the past where we travel through Jules' life with her up to the point where Amelia ruined everything. Now that Amelia's out, Jules must decide whether she wants to give into her dark need for revenge, or stick to the law.

There were parts of this I loved: I was intrigued to find out *exactly* what Amelia had done, and it did keep me turning the pages, however it was quite obvious from early on in the book loosely what had happened. I did feel some connection with the characters, and I thought they were well written, but the style of the book with the different timeframes was something I didn't really enjoy.