A review by ticktockcrocky
Arrowheart by Rebecca Sky


*received first five chapters from NetGalley*

3.5 stars

The premise of this book is interesting; it combines Greek mythology with a contemporary setting, and the world-building is evidently well thought out. I'm a big fan of the ideas behind all of this, and the idea of a school for Hedonesses. No complaints there.

I'm just not a huge fan of the narrator. I think, perhaps, she'll grow over the course of the book, but for the first five chapters all I found was irritation. Rachel just seems to complain a lot, and seems to think that everyone is out to get her because she's a special snowflake that *shock horror* doesn't want to be a Hedoness.

As I said, perhaps she'll grow and become more likeable over the course of the novel; the characters around her, like Marissa, I found a tad two-dimensional for my taste, although the author has definitely set her up for a character arc that I can see myself enjoying.

I'm interested to learn more about the boy (who I presume is the romantic interest), but in all honesty, the chances of me picking up this book to read the rest are fairly slim.

(Also, compliments to whoever designed the cover, because it is GORGEOUS)