A review by karenavila85
The Windfall by Diksha Basu


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It kept me entertained and made smile here and there. It's a comical tale about the Jhas, whom after coming into some money, move from East Delhi to a richer suburb in India, Gurgaon. Mrs. Jha is more apprehensive than her husband because the change seems to abrupt. After settling in their new neighborhood, Mr. & Mrs. Jha meet their neighbors the Chopras but in striking a friendship, hilarity ensues when Mr. Jha and Mr. Chopra try to out due each other in having the best furniture, technology, and transportation possible. But when the Jha's son, Rupak, comes unexpectedly home, the Jhas begin to question the importance of family and money. It's not just a story about family but also one about culture customs and mannerisms in India and how much "America" influences the views of other countries.