A review by petrichor_pages
Agnes at the End of the World by Kelly McWilliams

Did not finish book.
- pandemic
- MC is a believer in a cult
SpoilerMC is a legit prophet of god

- pseudo-supernatural elements

Yeah, this is a yikes from me. I thought maybe I'd be into the book at the beginning where Agnes is sneaking around getting her baby brother insulin and going against the cult. Except the book decided to throw in a pandemic, which is not easy to read about in 2020/2021. Despite all the heavy religion involved in the cult, the book takes a pretty religious tone putting Agnes as some sort of prophet, and that's where I DNF'ed. I should have done it way sooner. There is way too much Christianity, and unlike some other cult books I've read, the MC is so devoted despite the hypocrisy rampant in the book.