A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Step F*@k: Book One by Scarlett Ward


Emma is a bit down on dating luck as of late, so she’s been living the single, albeit still using the vibrator, type of life since her last failed relationship. She’s really sort of okay with that lifestyle as she isn’t quite sure if she’s ready for anything committed. When her best friend sets up a dating profile for her she grudgingly accepts, although some wine was involved to further that decision. Sweet, shy Emma is about to enter into her first foray of one-night-standom. Enter her sexy suitor, Jai. He’s British, he’s self-assured, and he’s sexy. Caution thrown to the win, Emma decides to thoroughly enjoy herself because, hey, she won’t see him again, right?

While this first part is short (as expected), I do think it packed quite a bit into it. I got a good sense of who Emma was, of her nature, and I could see the attraction that both characters had with each other just by their banter. The writing was easy to get into, and the story was well written. I am very curious about how the next part will play out and to see more of the magnetism that Jai and Emma share, as well as the angst that is sure to be plentiful as we continue. Because I’m positive that the tension is going to ratchet right up!

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**