A review by allomancersam
Slightly Scandalous by Mary Balogh


3.75 Stars

This was a little wild. I'm undecided about reading more Mary Balogh. I haven't love loved them, but they are fun

*Fake dating in historicals definitely need to be more popular. They're so great and have a lot of untapped potential
*His aunt made for a good villain
*Idk I feel like they went from dislike to love perhaps a little too quickly, but I did feel like there were actual reasons given for the change, which I liked
*Maybe it's because I picked one in the middle of the series, but her family didn't really grab my attention so I don't think I'll continue on
*MB tends to be dialogue heavy, and some of the action only comes through in the speech, which is odd
His family was actually more compelling. Prue in particular was prescious