A review by beckymmoe
Seducing His Secret Wife by Robin Covington


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 2/1/21.

Let me start by saying I'm not really a "billionaire romance" kind of girl--and surprise pregnancies and secret, drunken Vegas weddings aren't my favorite tropes. Yet I binged both of the books in this series this weekend. Why? Because I'm 100% a Robin Covington romance reader, and I knew if anyone could make me love characters living those kinds of plot lines, it would be her.

I am happy to report that she did not disappoint! (Except that Roan's book isn't out yet...but I trust it's coming soon, yes? ;))

Those who have read the first book ([b:Taking on the Billionaire|53496881|Taking on the Billionaire (Redhawk Reunion, #1)|Robin Covington|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1600196704l/53496881._SY75_.jpg|79822312]) will be happy to know--as I was--that the thing Ms Covington didn't tell us at the end of that book *is* revealed here. (She is so lucky I read them back-to-back! She got some serious side-eye from me Saturday night when I finished the first book--I'm sure she felt it, several states away and all. Leaving us hanging like that...so mean!) If you haven't read Adam and Tess's story, this one works just fine as a standalone--but do yourself a favor and read them both. You won't be sorry, and then you too can join me in stalking Ms Covington's socials online to find out when the next book will be out. ;)

Serena and Justin's story was a lot of fun to read--secondary characters Nana Orla and Wilma Mankiller especially made me LOL more than once--and the main characters' chemistry upped the steam level of this one considerably. Though their wedding was a quickie--and off screen--it wasn't hard to see the attraction between the two of them from the start. Even though their backgrounds couldn't have been more different, it was obvious that the two of them were meant to be together--each filled in the missing bits of the other nicely. When their black moment comes--and yikes, it's pretty black--the person at fault (cough, cough JUSTIN) mans up and produces a grand gesture worthy of his billionaire status and exactly what Serena deserves.

I closed the book with a happy sigh. And then immediately went to look for details about Roan's book...sigh... :)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.