A review by elliefufu
Night Reigns by Dianne Duvall


Night Reigns, Immortal Guardians #2, By Dianne Duvall
Grade: B+

“And damned if his spirits didn’t immediately lighten as the boy who lived in his memories poked his head out and shouted with glee, She thinks I’m handsome! She thinks I’m handsome! I’m in serious trouble now.”

Marcus Grayden is a gifted one and when he was infected with the vampire virus over eight hundred years ago he turned into a Immortal Guardian, a group of warriors who protect Earth from vampires. Marcus has spent the last three decades working alone with no human Second much to the dismay of his boss Seth, leader of the Guardians. Seth thinks it’s time for Marcus to play by the rules like everyone else especially now that vampires are banning together and attacking in large groups. Marcus never expected Seth to assign him someone like Ami, a strong, sexy human who Marcus can’t seem to ignore no matter how had he tries.

Ami is unlike any Second the Guardians have ever seen and she is determined to make Marcus accept her. Ami has a hard time with new people and an even harder time trusting people with her secrets and she has a lot of them. As her first assignment as a Second for Marcus, Ami refuses to sit back and let him go into battle by himself and she soon proves that she is more of a warrior then anyone expected. Together they can help the Guardians figure out who is leading the vampires and how to finally stop them once and for all.

As a PNR fan I dove straight into this book and didn’t look up until the very last page. Whew what a wild, fun and action packed ride Night Reigns was. From the first page we are thrown into the war between the Guardians and the vampires and it is a bloody, vicious battle. I love books that have action, mystery and paranormal aspects and this book has all three in spades. This is the second book in the series but I had no problem jumping right in to the story without reading the first book. There are very few series out there that you can jump into without feeling lost but you will have no problem here and that is a big plus in my book.

Ami is a wonderful heroine and she can kick some major ass when needed. I loved the mystery surrounding her and I’m not going to spoil anything but I was guessing right up until everything was revealed. I loved what was revealed and that it was totally unexpected in the best way possible. I never found myself annoyed with her and she never turned into a whiny female. She did what she believed in and never followed anything or anyone. I wish there were more heroines out there like Ami.

I didn’t like Marcus as much as I loved Ami but he was still an amazing character. I warmed up to him a lot towards the end of the book but I wasn’t a huge fan at the beginning to be honest. I didn’t like how he acted towards Ami in the beginning but he redeems himself as the story progresses. The side characters are a wonderful surprise and they really help this be a great book. I enjoyed the different perspectives from multiple characters and I fell in love with a couple people and really hope they get their own books in the series.

Night Reign is a wonderful sophomore book in a series that I can’t wait to read more of. From the first pages this story will suck you end and you will not want to leave until all secrets and mysteries have been revealed. I am very excited to add the Immortal Guardians to my must read series list.