A review by sophienocturne
Moranthology by Caitlin Moran


After reading ‘How To Be a Woman’ and enjoying the combination of amusing anecdotes and serious food for thought, I was eager to read more by Caitlin Moran. However, ‘Moranthology’ really wasn’t what I expected as the book is comprised of recycled articles from her years writing columns instead of fresh writing. This results in a choppy structure and the subject changing every couple of pages.

She’s seemingly attempted to cover every topic under the sun in 350 pages – everything from was on telly four years ago to accounts of the times she met endless random celebrities to conversations with her husband. I just wish that she would pick a topic and stick to it. Every time she hit on a good point that I wanted her to expand on, it was gone in a couple of pages and replaced with another review of a TV show or another interview with a celebrity, neither of which I actually care about and makes the book feel very dated. Talking about the first season of the Great British Bake Off and Michael Jackson’s memorial just isn’t relevant to me when I’m reading it four years after publication. I wanted more Caitlin, and what I got was more... everybody else.

I’ve given it 2 stars though because occasionally she does make a good point (when she’s not busy name-dropping or fangirling over Sherlock) for example, I enjoyed the articles on MTV sexism and burqas, I wish there was more of that. Also, the conversations between her and her husband are hilarious.