A review by wildflowerz76
The Mask of Atreus by A.J. Hartley


At last year's Dragon*Con, I had a free time slot and nothing to do, so I went with a friend to a panel of best-selling authors. Now, I do love to read, but this one was being done by the Writer's Track. While I do love to read, as is obvious by these posts, I'm not a writer. So, I generally avoid that track. Still, it was a chance to get to see Jim Butcher. Laurell K. and Sherrilyn Kenyon were on the panel too, but I'd seen both before and I didn't care to see the second one ever again. There were also 3 other authors on the panel. So, I was waiting in line while my friend was doing something or other and one of the other authors on the panel came out to inspect the line and see what was going on. The author was AJ Hartley. I'd never heard of him before. No one in our part of the line had, so he was telling us about his books when someone asked if he had any with him they could buy. Soon, he had tons of requests for them. Not being one to resist adorable, slightly awkward British boys, I bought his new one, a fantasy book, and he signed it for me. I STILL haven't gotten around to reading it, but I did pick up two of his modern day thrillers at the used book store a while ago. I read the first one a while back and liked it well enough. I liked this one okay too, but there was something missing for me. The 'who' in 'whodunit' I picked up a bad vibe from in the beginning, though I'm not sure we were supposed to. I caught the slipup made by the person too. Usually I don't, but maybe I'm just getting better? I don't know. This was a nice enough read, but far from joining any lists of my favorite books.