A review by hm08
Havoc by Debra Anastasia


I enjoyed how fresh this was. It wasn't a romantic read
Spoiler—Animal, the hero, literally fucks the enemy for a whole 10 pages straight and this was written in detail. And I must say, it was hotter than when Animal and T finally got it on—
and the relationship between Animal and T felt a whole load more like friendship. While I complained that the first book in this series [b:Mercy|35712570|Mercy|Debra Anastasia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1501772918l/35712570._SY75_.jpg|57212762] was a 100 pages too long, Havoc was a 100 pages too short. I would have loved to see a lot more development in Animal and T's relationship and actual time spent PHYSICALLY together.

The two only really got together in the last 5% of the book, and we got barely anything in the first 95%. This wasn't a great romance at all.

However, I enjoyed it for how different the relationship dynamic, and heroine was. The romance was low, and it felt like they had more of a platonic soulmate connection than anything.
Spoiler When Animal and T finally slept together and when they consummate their marriage, it felt like I was reading about two pals having textbok sex together. It wasn't all that interesting.
T was an unstable and ultra-possessive heroine who literally kills for her man. I have never read a heroine like her before and I think I'm quite into this character type.

I'll probably stop at this book. I'm not sure if I'd want to read Ember's story, [b:Lock|43227362|Lock|Debra Anastasia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1544742090l/43227362._SY75_.jpg|66791892] next - she seemed too childish for my liking and with the ups and downs of the author's writing, I'm hesitant about dedicating a couple of hours of my life to a dud.