A review by pancakefox
The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson


I am left in awe of Jeanette Winterson's ability to bring an organic universe into being in words. And she has brought me right into it, showed me that it is real. Placed me in the middle and given me an ultimatum to be, organically, lively, to tend the garden of myself and to love.

Many of her paragraphs remind me of brush strokes, with phrases painted individually, repetitively but with variation, until the mind notices the emergent patterns. The strokes sometimes seem erratic, insane, but they paint something recognisable.

The world she reflects for us is insane, irrational, hyper-rational, with islands of calm and comfort among seas of waste, destruction, death. Love bridging the void and inaction driving us apart.

Content warnings:
Paedophilia (very early in the book, and then largely finishes);
Depictions of human violence and mutilation (much later, fairly brief);
The horrors of late stage capitalism (incl human misery and disconnection)