A review by bristoni74
Adventures of the Wishing Chair by Enid Blyton


I've enjoyed revisiting my favourite childhood books this year. Whilst as an adult I can see the flaws of the Wishing Chair series and old-fashioned language, I loved this as a child - although not as much as the Faraway Tree series. As a child I imagined fairies at the bottom of the garden and if I jumped in puddles I would disappear into a different world, etc. so the idea of a flying wishing chair was wonderful!

The chapters are short and the stories solved quickly but it was the pixies, brownies, magic and freedom Mollie and Peter had to spend all day outside having adventures without an adult in sight that I loved. So as a wiser and maybe more pessimistic adult I don't feel that same joy reading it but I will always love this series for the wonder I had reading it many times as a child.