A review by rainbowbrarian
The DC Book of Pride: A Celebration of DC's LGBTQIA+ Characters by D.K. Publishing, Jadzia Axelrod


Comics aren't exactly famous for being queer friendly, but they've been making strides to try to fix that. As a person who doesn't read a lot of superhero comics, I was pleasantly surprised to see the variety and diversity of characters in this book.

As a comics casual reader, I'm still left feeling like I'm missing a lot of the stories and that always bothers me a little bit. But on the other hand, if I really wanted to know more I guess I'd have to read more comics. It's a tough balance to strike. What I need is a character background 101 for each character!

These colorful bios are definitely a step in that direction though. They give that very shallow overview of the characters origins and how they got to where they are.