A review by davidmencik
Oration on the Dignity of Man by Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola


Mirandola was a true renaissance man who composed a real work of art. Oration on the dignity of Man is surely a true renaissance masterpiece. Why?
First of all, it is super ecclectic a trait that many thinkers of this time posses. It is still inside of Christian thought but is at the same time its critic.
Certainly must read for all young people because it shows that no matter how young you are if you have evidence you can question authority of any kind. The book itself resembles Plato's dialogue Apology of Socrates because in both works author in a way defends not only himself but his philosophy.

Even thought Mirandola had some wrong informations (such as origin of Greek philosophy) and the fact I don't like perennial philosophy didn't change my mind on the importance of this text.

I think that this work is a true masterpiece of its time and like Boethius "Consolation of philosophy" and many other are must for readers regardless of their religious, philosophical, political or any other ideology.