A review by urlphantomhive
Snake by Erica Wright


I was mesmerized by the snake on the cover, I have no other reason why I picked up this short work on the subject of Snakes. It was the first from the series Object Lessons that I read, and it was quite interesting.

Erica Wright clearly is fascinated with snakes and has done research for this book. It was interesting to read since I do not think I have ever seen a snake (let alone a venomous one) outside of a shelter/zoo. I did a quick search and apparently the adder is the only venomous snake in Belgium and it is not even frequently seen where I live. So, for me it was mainly surprising to see how many people are actively scared of snakes, and how many incidents there are with dangerous snakes in other places.

The little book covers a variety of topics on Snakes but for me in the end it fell a little bit short because at times I found it a little bit disorganized. Things were said multiple times or could have been grouped together in better ways.

That being said, an interesting read.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!