A review by debicates
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


The one star is solely for Mary Shelley who, at age 18, created a story of such originality and power that it has seeped into the collective consciousness, has remained there for 200 years, and with the help of whatever contemporary devices continue to re-make it, will likely remain there for many more.

But I cannot drum up more than one star. I disliked the book. I winced at the laughable coincidences and improbabilities. I rolled my eyes reading page after page of florid writing and overwrought speech. I loathed listening to the cowardly and self-pitying ramblings of the sickly protagonist who hardly seems deserving of having a book, much less a monster, named after him. Then there was the clunky plot and silly devices to plod through. Oh and worse! During 90% of the book, I was bored out of my head.

The one star is for the inner core that has spawned an icon, which was good. The rest, I'm sorry to say, was a hideous monster.