A review by sleightoffeet
Followers by Megan Angelo


To me, this book was The Truman Show meets The Circle (the book/movie, not the TV show). I loved the premise and I loved how it jumped back and forth between the characters. It dragged a bit in the middle, but it really picked up again at the end.

This is the story of Orla, Floss and Marlow, and how their lives became entangled. Marlow's whole life has been online for everyone to see and comment on, not by her choice but her parents. Floss was a social media star before the spill, and found a new way to gain followers and to continue her fame by using Marlow. Orla wanted to be a writer, but instead, her writing is what made Floss a star in the first place.

I really liked this book, though I'm still processing about how I feel about the end. The ending left me a bit unsatisfied.
SpoilerI wanted Orla to have her comeuppance, and I don't feel that that is how Floss actually wanted to live. I get that living together made the story come full circle, but it seems a complete 180 to how Floss was for the rest of the book.