A review by beckyrendon
Always Wanting by Alex Grayson


I have to say I was nervous before I started this book. It's odd but in a world filled with "slut shaming" and ridiculously one sided views on sex, I was worried I'd be judgy (totally a new word. Webster's will soon be adding it). I don't know whether I've read too many naughty romances or what but, I was empathetic not judgemental.

To most people the idea of sex daily is pretty awesome. ( My hand is totally raised on that one.) However the difference between wanting and needing is very different. To be physically dependent on another for release or suffer horrific withdrawal...Yeah, that makes me and my whining about wanting it more often sound completely juvenile- it is but shh, I'm trying to make a point.

I can't tell if my history and views of self worth make me more sympathetic but I really enjoyed this book. But not for the reason you might think. Don't get me wrong, hot sex is...well, hot. But Always Wanting is a different kind of book. Sex wasn't for the sake of sex- it was clinical. It was a medicinal act.

Without giving away the entire story, know this...
Sometimes we can overcome things that tear us apart. Sometimes we need help. Other times we just need love and support. But don't let my philosophical ramblings mislead you, not everything has a cure.

Always Wanting is a unique story about a real problem. I think it's well and tastefully written. I really enjoyed the gamut of emotions and feelings it draws out of the reader. It makes people more aware of a complex addiction. I truly enjoyed the story and I hope we learn what happens to the rest of Abby's support group/friends.

reviewed for the Sweet Spot Sisterhood