A review by babblingchatterreads
Step F*@k: Book One by Scarlett Ward


Well that was fast. I guess that really is how a one night stand goes. Batteries for your vibrator runs out. Friend sets up an online dating account for you. Meeting that someone you chatted with online. And boom. Mission one night stand, distraction accomplished! Emma broke up with her ex boyfriend six months ago and she still haven't dated again. Her friend thinks she's still hung up on said ex and that she needs to let loose. Well, that she definitely did after the batteries died down. What drew me in here as well is that Jai is a Brit who was born in L.A. Yes, we may not hear the accent, but seriously now. Gorgeous man with deep blue eyes and an accent? Who doesn't want that? Swoon factor level is just creeping higher. Plus, I have an intense feeling that there's more to Jai than meets the eye... And although I do have an inkling of where the story is heading, I think I still want to find out how everything plays out for Jai & Emma.

With this short introduction to the serial, it seems like a really fun, playful read. I mean, this is just the first part and hello—we have so much action going on already! ~Renery, 4 stars