A review by snowmaiden
Saturn's Return to New York by Sara Gran


This is another book I would have loved if I’d read it when it came out in 1999. I’m a little too old for it now, and it doesn’t really have much to offer by way of plot, so it’s in the “just ok” category for me. (Although I’ve got to say the voice of the first-person narration is really great, casual and off-the-cuff and natural, like you’re talking to your best friend on the phone.)

The title comes from the astrological concept that at age 29 1/2, Saturn returns to the same place it was when you were born, and this means the start of a new phase of your life. I thought about it. At age 29.5 I was living with my parents after my divorce. I applied for a job I never thought I’d get in a town that didn’t meet any of my carefully planned criteria. The rest, as they say, is history. Then I thought about what my best friend was doing at age 29.5, and I won’t give away any gossip here, but it was even more dramatic and life-changing. So maybe the Saturn return is a real thing. What do you think?