A review by rhifallows
The Briarmen by Joseph A. Chadwick


I LOVED this book, such a wonderful story that had me gripped all the way through. We were kindly provided with review copies by the publisher.

The story, set in wartime Britain, centres around the friendship that blossoms between Hamish, a wartime evacuee, and Penny, who he goes to live with in the sleepy village of Brombury. However, Brombury doesn’t stay sleepy for long as there are rumours of a German plane coming down in the mysterious Woods Beyond The Railway. And that’s not all that’s hiding in the woods, as Penny and Hamish discover the Briarmen. Adventures in the Woods ensue and relationships are forged between the children and the Briarmen.

This was such a nostalgic read and is definitely a book that I would have picked up and appreciated both now and 20 years ago. I’ve always been drawn to wartime fiction and the added fantastical elements to this books gave it such a unique twist. Plus there were really cute illustrations at the beginning of each chapter! I really felt catapulted back to my childhood while reading this, although that’s not to say this is a children’s book as there’s definitely a health dose of the cynicism that comes with adulthood.

It was well written, the characters and their relationships well established and developed, and the end of the book was excellent. It had me on the edge of my seat. My only complaint is that I now really want to know more about the Briarmen and their story!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would love to read more from the author.