A review by ameschreiber
Slammed by Colleen Hoover


Two star-crossed lovers
Fight forbidden attraction.
Lessons about life?

Age versus morals
Concepts caused me discomfort
Romance was intense

Reading this book was a guilty pleasure for me.  It was so entertaining, I actually stayed up until 2:30 in the morning to finish it.  So, the basic premise is that two young people meet, immediately fall in love due to a deep connection--perhaps because they are soul mates?--and then the pair can't be together.  

Okay, the idea isn't new.  Romeo and Juliet couldn't be together either, but the dividing aspect between our characters Lake and Will is totally different, and I'd love to ask the author some questions about her intent.  Why make Will's profession a divisor?  Why keep bombarding Lake with so many problems?  One problem after another doesn't seem realistic to me.  I had a problem with the resolution to the story, but even more so with Will's profession.  As an educator, I found Will's actions highly immoral, even though he was trying to do the right thing.  When educators have inappropriate relationships with students, it is highly immoral, even if they are only a few years apart.  Will's focus on how he and his career might be hurt instead of the impact to Lake is disturbing.

Despite the conflict I had with the premise, I must say I enjoy reading the book tremendously.  The detail and pacing were good, and man!  Some of those romantic scenes were very steamy.