A review by missjackieoh
Death by Cliché by Bob Defendi


Okay, so I am going to start off by saying that choosing this book had been a bad decision on my part. I am NOT a gamer; I am not good at games and I don't particularly like them. Ready Player One had been a flop for me but I really, REALLY enjoyed The Unfortunate Decisions of Dahlia Moss. So really these kinds of books are a hit or miss with me.

I chose Death By Cliche mainly for its humor. Which really fell flat for me. It felt very much like an insider joke that I 'had to have been there' for. Well, I wasn't there. I didn't get a single reference or joke and the ones I did get were more of a chuckle for me. The author also had quotes at the beginning of the chapters, and apparently either ran out of nerdy quotes (highly improbable) or thought it would be funny to act like he ran out of them, but still had to go through with the quotes. It mostly seemed weird for me.

I can't say I really felt much for the characters. I was really rooting for Damico though, because being shot in the head by crazy fan is REALLY messed up!

The premise of this story, being trapped in a D&D game, is very interesting. I wish I had enjoyed it more.

Happy Reading
