A review by crookedtreehouse
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity by Matt Wagner


So often, stories with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman go horribly awry for me. I'm not much of a Justice League fan, and I think the focus on conflicts between Batman and Superman often undermine the stories they appear in together.

This volume, while not stellar storytelling, is, at least, a fun read. You get the first team up between The Big Three, and Wagner spends absolutey no time telling any of their origins (all hail Matt Wagner).

I also enjoy that there is a villain from each of their pantheons, but it's none of their Top Villains. No Lex, no Joker, no Cheetah.

I recommend this for Justice League fans looking for a sort of Year Zero to the formation of the JLA, people who like superhero teamups where the heroes have conflicts but don't go all Civil War over it, fans of Matt Wagner's art, anyanyone looking for a fun silver-agey story from the 21st century.