A review by ladynigelia
The Dark Secret by Tui T. Sutherland


Starflight takes us into the kingdom of the NightWings. I was hoping we'd finally get some answers that have been reoccurring through the series. We do get some answers, but I found all of the answers related to the mysterious queen to be completely unsatisfactory. I'll buy that Starflight can suddenly do things that require bravery because this is HIS family and so HE needs to be responsible, but there are a lot of other plot holes that bother me.

So the RainWings storm in and start blow darting everyone so they're asleep. Then the volcano erupts and everyone escapes. Do they just leave the sleeping guards there? There's no mention of carrying any of them through the tunnel.
Queen Battlewinner has been sitting in lava for the last 6+ years, but dies within seconds of emerging? She can't even get a good smiting in before she freezes?
It seems like there's a fairly decent size population of NightWings that have been supportive of the science experiments on the RainWings, and the corresponding imprisonment. ALL of them are willing to submit to a RainWing queen within minutes?? Morrowseer is the only defiant dragon? NightWings seem a lot more stubborn and proud than that. I would have expected at least a few to fly for the mainland. Maybe all the defiant ones were drugged and left behind, thus closing both plot holes!
Also, with all their science, they can't tell that the earthquakes are the volcano erupting and they don't have an evacuation procedure that they've been drilling?

Okay all of those issues are right at the end of the book, so maybe I'm judging the whole book a little too harshly because the end just didn't sit right. The rest of the book was pretty good. I'm looking forward to Sunny's installment next!